Past, current, visiting and public lectures and support materials
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Past Lectures And Presentations
Numerous lectures have been presented on telecoms system theory, design, realisation, measurements, operations, MMI, HMI, IT, social, plus business and environmental implications at universities and polytechnics world-wide, including: Cambridge, Oxford, Edinburgh, Essex, Kent, Loughborough, Manchester, NELP, Nottingham, Robert Gordon’s, Trent, UCNW, York, LSE, Cranfield, South Bank, Reading, Aston, Southampton, Edinburgh, Leeds, Manchester, UMIST, City, Brunel, Surrey, Exeter, Huddersfield, ENT Paris, Renne, Liege, Toronto, Rutgers, Edmonton, Sydney, RMCS, Aston, Imperial College, UCL, UEA, Mayo Clinic, Stirling, MIT, Bradford, Bournemouth, Dundee, Vienna, Birkbeck, LBS, Georgetown, Open University UK, Queen Mary College, University of London, Harvard Business School, Santa Fe Institute, IIT New Delhi, NJIT Newark NJ, Smithsonian Washington DC, Ashridge, IESE Madrid, GeorgiaTech, IIT Chicago, University of Abartey, South Thames College,Coventry, Khalifa University, Judge Business School, CASS Business School, LNMIIT Jaipur, IIT Delhi, Bedford University, Abertay Dundee, Technical University of Denmark, City Business School Moscow, Boston USA, Monash University, SA, Auckland, Pretoria, National Research Foundation Singapore, Eindhoven University of Technology, Singapore, Aukland, Royal Holloway, QCRI Qatar, University of Suffolk, Salford University, University of Hertfordshire, Nottingham Trent University, Keele Medical School, Huawei Shenzen China,. Chinese Government Event Foshan City, University of Pretoria SA, BINUS University Jakarta Indonesia