Professor Peter Cochrane OBE
Innovator, Academic, Consultant
I have been professionally engaged in science, technology and engineering for over 40 years, and my primary focus remains the solving of problems and the creation of wealth through the application of new technologies and business solutions.
During my life I have had the good fortune to work with exceptional people in governments, companies and major international operations, but the icing on the cake has been the creation and management of teams up to 2500 people with budgets in excess of £1Bn, and my senior roles as CTO, CEO and Director in the UK and USA.
At the same time I have also been a visiting professor, advisor, and external examiner to major universities in the EU and USA, and continue to be actively engaged as a consultant, speaker and mentor with investment interests in start up companies. But that is not all...
...after 25 years of deep specialisation I decided (circa 1990) to become a generalist - to try and understand the wider 'jigsaw puzzle' of science and technology...and what a very rich road of experience and understanding it turned out to be...

[email protected]
“I wasn’t born to be a spectator just watching the world go by - I was born to be a doer, a change agent, an improver of the status quo”
About Publications SlideShare Movies More Pictures

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“My mission; to change the way we teach science, engineering and technology - to change the nature of the Phd & research - and to nurture industry ready students”
Genesis Lectures Research Movies

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VAT Number 874496669

A small sample of the many companies, organisations and governments we have worked for over the past 20 (+) years - from just a day to a few weeks to months, to many years.
Engagements have varied from a quick report, to detailed studies, strategic threat and new market modelling through to the building of physical prototypes and field testing under operational conditions.
In here are also long term advisory board roles and call off consultancy work.